Buying a second home?

Buying a second home?




Second Homes

An influx of second-home buyers in 2021 continues the boom from the previous year. That five-year plan to buy a bolt hole by the sea or in the countryside has come forward considerably for many buyers.

With many people released from the daily commute, thanks to more flexible working, families are looking for the perfect second home for weekends and longer breaks.

The option to rent the property out and make a little extra cash is an attractive and lucrative perk.

Even before the pandemic, UK holiday home owners were able to charge for a week what you might expect to pay for a private villa with a pool in Greece if they had a place in a desirable location such as Devon or Cornwall.

Rental rates have gone through the roof since the pandemic with many families taking staycations. This trend could continue even with the restrictions lifted on much overseas travel now.

One measure of the boom has been an increase in the number of transactions liable for the second home 3% stamp duty surcharge.

It hit a new high of 84,700 in the second quarter of this year, dropping slightly to 70,000 in the third quarter[1].

The demand is set to continue with a recent report[2] suggesting that one in ten UK adults between the ages of 35 and 45 has made plans to buy an investment property in the next 12 months.

The practicalities

While the idea of a gorgeous bolthole (and potential money-maker) is compelling, there are many financial matters to ponder. Firstly, there’s the 3% stamp duty surcharge when buying an additional home, which is charged on top of standard stamp duty tax.

For a £500,000 property, a second homeowner would pay a total of £30,000 with the 3% added.

Unless you’re a cash buyer, there’s also the mortgage to consider. You will need a deposit of at least 15% and if you already have a mortgage on your primary home, you will have to meet affordability requirements to take out a loan on your new purchase.

Once you buy the property, remember that you will be to pay a second set of bills such as council tax, water, insurance and energy bills, not to mention the extra costs to maintain it and redecorate where necessary.

When you have got your head round the finances, you’ll want to find somewhere that will grow in value, be accessible and, last but not least, be the kind of place you and other holidaymakers will enjoy visiting time and again.

“Landlords must also brace themselves for maintenance costs and times when their rental property is empty.”

Considering being a landlord?

Investing in a buy-to-let property is still a compelling option for some investors. It’s essential to buy in the right area where the yield is right – and where there’s enough demand.

Many landlords suffered during the pandemic as tenants who suffered a loss of income needed payment holidays from rent. Others ending their tenancies to move back in with family, leaving many properties empty.

Now that life is returning to a more normal state, city-centre rents that dropped during the pandemic are rebounding and landlords are feeling more positive about the market.

A survey of 600 landlords[3], revealed that the proportion of landlords feeling optimistic is the highest it has been for five years. 

If you plan to rent the new place out as a buy-to-let property you have to take out a specialist buy-to-let mortgage and your deposit should be at least 25%.

Landlords must also brace themselves for maintenance costs and times when their rental property is empty.


Want to know more?

Having a professional mortgage adviser can help as second home mortgages can be more complicated than getting a standard home loan, depending on how you’re going to use the place. It can also help to have someone to crunch the numbers on expected costs – and returns – and consider your wider financial situation.

Don’t forget that if you decide to sell a second home further down the line, if its value has increased since you bought it you might have to pay capital gains tax.

Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on a mortgage. The firm is not responsible for the content of external links.


This Blog is published and provided for informational purposes only. The information in the Blog constitutes the author’s own opinions. None of the information contained in the Blog constitutes a recommendation that any particular investment strategy is suitable for any specific person.

Tavistock Partners Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Tavistock Partners (UK) Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Tavistock Private Client Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. The Tavistock Partnership Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Abacus Associates Financial Services is a trading style of Tavistock Partners (UK) Limited which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Duchy Independent Financial Advisers is a trading style of Tavistock Partners Limited which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, All subsidiaries are wholly owned by Tavistock Investments Plc.

Age discrimination in employment – and the need for retirement planning

Age discrimination in employment – and the need for retirement planning

AGE AND DISCRIMINATION – and the need for retirement planning



Retirement Planning
Age Discrimination 

Not a month goes by without a reminder that many of us are going to have to work longer to have a decent standard of living in retirement.

Now that gold plated final salary schemes are a distant memory for most and because we are failing to save enough, there are many pensions pots that just won’t stretch far enough. Combined with the fact we are all living longer, there’s a very real need to keep an income stream going for longer.

Working longer is good advice but there are challenges along the way – age discrimination being one.

Almost 3 million recent job seekers over 50 (52%) believe their age has made employers less likely to hire them, according to a new report[1].

The ‘Working Late: Over 50s and employment’ study found that 46% of job seekers aged 50 – 59, and 64% of job seekers aged 60 – 69 felt their age put them at a significant disadvantage when looking for jobs.

It’s not just about those switching jobs later in life, however. Many retired people decide to enter back into the workforce – perhaps after a change of heart about retirement or due to a shift in circumstances.

Another study[2] revealed a lack of confidence in re-entering the world of work. More than half (55%) of retired people aged over 55 did not believe they would be able to find a paid job and only one in five who would like to work were confident they would be able to find paid employment.

The bleak outlook, particularly for women, is reflected in the latest official labour market statistics for the three months to August 2021[3] that show the effect on older workers of the coronavirus pandemic.

There has been a fall of 89,000 workers aged 65+ compared to the first three months of 2020. This is a percentage fall in employment of nearly 6.3%, nearly four times the rate seen in the 16-64 age group. There were 283,000 more ‘inactive’ over 65s since the pandemic – mostly retired – and nearly seven in 10 were women.

“If working later in life is going to be viable, it is important that older groups are given the opportunities and support they need to stay in work.”

Be prepared

Looking for work is often motivated by money. When asked about driving factors for why over 50s were searching for a job, 29% stated it was wholly financial.

However, it’s not all about the cash. Over a quarter (26%) said that their search was driven entirely by other aspects, including life satisfaction as well as social and mental health benefits. The majority of respondents stated their motivations were equally financial and non-financial.

If working later in life is going to be viable, it is important that older groups are given the opportunities and support they need to stay in work.

From a financial planning point of view, this all reinforces the need for careful retirement planning to ensure your finances can stand up to these and any other challenges ahead.

The latest number crunching on retirement living standards[4] tells us the money needed for a comfortable retirement has increased by £600 to £33,600 a year for one person and by £2,200 to £49,700 for a couple.

While this differs for every individual, the earlier you start the better, regardless of the level of income needed.

For those worried about their finances and the implication it has on when they might retire, it is better to be aware of the options available than bury your head in the sand. An adviser can help you navigate your options, whatever your age.



[1] Over 50s in the labour market: a report for Legal and General. Centre for Economics and Business. 2021

[2] Just Group, Research conducted by Opinium on behalf of Just Group among 1,043 UK retired and semi-retired adults aged 55+, between 21st and 26th April 2021


[4] The Pension and Lifetime Savings Association’s retirement living standards, October 2021



This Blog is published and provided for informational purposes only. The information in the Blog constitutes the author’s own opinions. None of the information contained in the Blog constitutes a recommendation that any particular investment strategy is suitable for any specific person.

Tavistock Partners Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Tavistock Partners (UK) Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Tavistock Private Client Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. The Tavistock Partnership Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Abacus Associates Financial Services is a trading style of Tavistock Partners (UK) Limited which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Duchy Independent Financial Advisers is a trading style of Tavistock Partners Limited which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, All subsidiaries are wholly owned by Tavistock Investments Plc.







Care Costs

It’s impossible to predict what kind of care might be needed in your later years. But it’s a certainty that we will all need it in some form. Requirements will range from an hour’s assistance at home every day to full-time residential nursing care.

In England alone, Age UK estimates that 1.2 million older people will be in need of care and support by 2040 [1]. That doesn’t necessarily mean being in a residential care home. Some will require little or no formal care and some will fall somewhere in the middle. This can make it difficult to plan ahead – and many don’t bother.

A study revealed that almost all (96%) parents over 60 admitted that they have not put any plans in place to pay for any long-term care and just 21% of these intend to make provisions at some stage. [2]

Having a pot of money in place for care needs is sensible to reduce the risk of facing huge unexpected bills at a time when you won’t want added stress. Here are some of the things you need to know about long-term care planning.


Care costs are paid for either by you – known as self-funding – local authority or NHS funding. The government support on offer is reserved for those with total capital assets worth less than  23,250 [3] in England. The threshold is 50,000 [4] in Wales and 28,750 [5] in Scotland.

If your assets do fall under these limits, you’ll go through a financial assessment with the local authority to see what funding you’re eligible for. While around half of care home residents are self-funding [6], most people are completely unprepared for any care costs.


Without knowing what kind or level of care you’ll need, there’s no blanket figure that all individuals should set aside.

However, the cost of residential care routinely takes people by surprise. The average cost of a residential care home in England is  681 per week. This increases to  979 per week, or  50,000+ a year when nursing care is included [7]. But families can easily face far higher costs if you or a loved one ends up with particularly demanding health needs.

” Boris Johnson has recently announced that from 6th April 2022 to 5th April 2023 National Insurance contributions will increase by 1.25% to 13.25%.”


Reducing the value of the assets that are considered as part of a local authority financial assessment could backfire as very strict rules apply. If the council believes you’ve deliberately given away your home or other assets to avoid paying care fees, it will treat those assets as if they still belong to you.

There is the option of putting money into a trust, but getting financial advice to do so is crucial to ensure you’re not breaking rules about “deliberate deprivation of assets”.


Boris Johnson has recently announced that from 6th April 2022 to 5th April 2023 National Insurance contributions will increase by 1.25% to 13.25%.The increase will apply to: Class 1 (paid by employees) which will help pay for Social care.

The topic of long-term care is not one commonly discussed among families, however. Only 28% say they have discussed the costs of long-term care with their parents [8]. Yet the number of people that need to have care in later life is likely to rise with the growing number of “older” old people.

A financial adviser can help you make a plan to provide for long-term care costs, and take the uncertainty out of the situation, should it arise.

If you don’t end up needing to pay for care, then your savings can simply be passed on to family as inheritance.


This Blog is published and provided for informational purposes only. The information in the Blog constitutes the author’s own opinions. None of the information contained in the Blog constitutes a recommendation that any particular investment strategy is suitable for any specific person.

Tavistock Partners Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Tavistock Partners (UK) Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Tavistock Private Client Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. The Tavistock Partnership Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Abacus Associates Financial Services is a trading style of Tavistock Partners (UK) Limited which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Duchy Independent Financial Advisers is a trading style of Tavistock Partners Limited which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, All subsidiaries are wholly owned by Tavistock Investments Plc.





Investors have much to think about when choosing and understanding investments. Extreme market volatility during the pandemic provided the most recent demonstration of how markets can swing wildly. Understanding volatility is vital to the overall process of choosing the right investments.

So what is it exactly?

Volatility is up-and-down movement of the market. It is a measure of risk but it is not necessarily the same as risk. A share can be high risk but not volatile, for example. Volatility keeps on changing, so there are periods of high and low volatility.

Volatility can be triggered by any number of things. The UK stock market can fluctuate because of problems on home soil as well as global issues. Goings on in the Eurozone, the US and problems as far flung as China all had a turbulent effect on markets. But volatility and short-term losses are inevitable and it’s important to accept they are part and parcel of investing.

It’s not possible to know when a big drop in the markets will hit. But the good news is that periods of losses are often followed by strong rallies, as we’ve seen since the coronavirus vaccines started to be approved and rolled out. 

” By investing regularly – a monthly amount – market dips can actually work to your advantage.”

Investors only worry about volatility when shares are falling. When this happens, remember that any loss or gain is only realised when holdings are sold. Until then, any losses (or gains) are just on paper.

It’s easy to fall into the trap of worrying about short-term movements, but since investments are for the long term, short-term volatility is not necessarily a reason to panic and make drastic changes.

Should you feel nervous, you can review the reasons why you chose your investments and take comfort that in time your savings should recover.

Risk is an important aspect of investing. The aim of an investment is to generate returns that will help to achieve your long-term goals. But this means taking some necessary risks to get there.

Matching your attitude to risk with your investments is crucial to getting the right portfolio for your needs. There’s no one-size fits all advice when it comes to investing, yet spreading risk is often said to be the golden rule of any stock market investment.

Strategies of long-term investing, diversification and regular saving will help smooth out any bumpy rides – in other words, volatile periods.

Diversification across different markets and asset classes will enable your savings to adapt to different markets, and crucially, reduce exposure to one individual area.

By investing regularly – a monthly amount – market dips can actually work to your advantage. When share prices go up, the value of your stocks rise. When they go down your next contribution buys more. This is known as “pound-cost averaging”. Regular investing also removes the need to get the timing right. Plus, buying stocks at a lower price means you get a higher return when the market swings back up.

The relationship between risk and return is an important one. All investments carry some element of risk but the higher the risk, the higher the potential return. But there are no guarantees. If you are considering an investment that offers high returns, ask yourself if you can afford to lose some or all the money you invest.

Your capital is at risk. The value of your Investments can go down as well as up and you may get back less than you invest.


This Blog is published and provided for informational purposes only. The information in the Blog constitutes the author’s own opinions. None of the information contained in the Blog constitutes a recommendation that any particular investment strategy is suitable for any specific person.

Tavistock Partners Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Tavistock Partners (UK) Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Tavistock Private Client Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. The Tavistock Partnership Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Abacus Associates Financial Services is a trading style of Tavistock Partners (UK) Limited which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Duchy Independent Financial Advisers is a trading style of Tavistock Partners Limited which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, All subsidiaries are wholly owned by Tavistock Investments Plc.

Post-Pandemic Finances

Post-Pandemic Finances




AUGUST, 2021


UK households have built up over a staggering £117 billion of savings after being cooped up at home since the start of the pandemic [1].

The study also claimed we are planning to splurge on clothes, dining out and holidays.

While a spree will help the UK economy it’s important to make sure your money is working hard for the longer term.

That means investing it. There are, of course, no guarantees with investing. But if you don’t think you’ll need access to your money for at least five years, investing offers the chance of better returns than you could get from saving in a deposit account.

While many people have adopted investing as their new hobby during lockdowns, others will have put this off for fear of the unknown.

Entering the world of investments for the first time can be daunting. But those feelings might partly be down to the many myths that surround the sector. Here are a few of those common misconceptions:

Myth 1: Cash savings are risk-free

While the amount in a savings account will not fall, the value – or buying power – of that money can drop if the interest you earn on your savings doesn’t keep pace with the rising cost of living. That is certainly the case at the moment with interest rates low and inflation rising.

Myth 2: Investing is too risky

Stock market investing does come with risks, and you’ll need to be comfortable with the fact you could make a loss. However, along with this risk comes the potential for greater returns and it is possible to manage those risks within a portfolio.

Myth 3: Stock market investing is only for the wealthy

If you get into the habit of investing a small amount regularly, you could be surprised at how much it adds up to over time. You can build on the monthly amount as and when your income rises.

Myth 4: Now is a bad time to invest

The golden rule is that the sooner you start investing, the better. While the past 12 months has been challenging for investors, those with a long term view will have stayed invested and focused on their end goals.  Overall, it’s about making sure that your money spends time in the market.

Myth 5: Property is a better bet

There is an ongoing debate about whether property is a better investment strategy than the stock market. However, it is easy to underestimate the risks to becoming a landlord.

Buy-to-let investment has become much less desirable due to tax changes in recent years. You can no longer offset mortgage interest against tax bills and there’s now a 3% stamp duty surcharge for investment property.

There is also the risk you might not get the expected returns. The property could be empty if you can’t find tenants – during which time the mortgage still needs to be paid.

You are also at the mercy of house prices and the housing market, should you need to access the money and sell up.

Another important point is that homeowners already have substantial exposure to the residential housing market through their own home. Owning a buy-to-let means becoming heavily exposed to just one asset class.

“One study claimed that over three quarters of investors plan to keep up their investing habits post-pandemic”

Putting your savings to work

Not everyone has put off taking the plunge into the world of investing. It’s encouraging that of those who have started an investment habit over the last 12 months, many seem determined to continue this now that most restrictions are lifted. One study claimed that over three quarters of investors plan to keep up their investing habits post-pandemic[2].

Whether you plan to keep up and review your newfound habit or want to start a new one, there’s no time like the present.

An adviser can help construct or review an investment portfolio in the most tax-efficient manner that will fit in with your attitude to risk and goals.


This Blog is published and provided for informational purposes only. The information in the Blog constitutes the author’s own opinions. None of the information contained in the Blog constitutes a recommendation that any particular investment strategy is suitable for any specific person.

Tavistock Partners Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Tavistock Partners (UK) Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Tavistock Private Client Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. The Tavistock Partnership Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Abacus Associates Financial Services is a trading style of Tavistock Partners (UK) Limited which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Duchy Independent Financial Advisers is a trading style of Tavistock Partners Limited which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, All subsidiaries are wholly owned by Tavistock Investments Plc.

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